Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Robitaille Returns!

Not that Robitaille. Luc is still busy creating wacky marketing gimmicks between Hollywood and the Kings.  Randy was just signed for a one-year deal to the Sens, brining him back to his hometown. I don't like this move. They don't need anymore players, unless McAmmond is out long term. So, I would guess that McAmmond is going to be out until after Christmas. I honestly don't know that much about the "other Robitaille". But journeyman players tend to fit one of several molds.  1.) Offensively gifted, but uber streaky and lazy players. 2.) Specialize in one area, faceoffs, PK, etc. But tend to get replaced by teams looking for more versatility. 3.) Not good offensively, but have solid hockey smarts and above average skating ability. I am assuming and hoping that he's #3. Don't need another Arnason. Robitaille may play as soon as Thursday, so we'll see.

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