Monday, August 3, 2009

Red Bull Soapbox Derby Los Angeles 2009 - Email server down?

Something must be wrong over a Red Bull, because they haven't contacted me about my Soapbox Derby entry. You know my teams' design is badazz. So what's the holdup? July has now come and gone; I haven't heard boo. I even tried search'n the internet for some blogger to brag about getting picked to be in the race. Nothing.
It's hard to remain excited. With each day there's more of a sinking feeling. I had pretty much given-up thinking about it, until the end of last week. The team was talking about optimal designs and costume possibilities. But that's clearly jumping the gun. I would just like confirmation either way; accepted or not.
'Cause as it is, my August is pretty full. We're losing valuable time. Getting this contraption built will not happen in a weekend. I at least hope not...

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