Tuesday, September 8, 2009

If it's good enough for Tiger Woods...

The countdown to LASIK is over. Well, it was on for about 6-weeks; but more specifically the last 2 weeks. I've had to stay out of contact lenses in order for my eyes to have a chance to rest. In my mind it's a very effective ploy to get you to truly appreciate freedom from glasses. 
I have not used glasses this long since I've had contacts. But it seemed like 10x's the pain in the ass than I remember. Part of the problem is that my vision is worse than when I first wore glasses. So, I can't see anything with them off. I've set them down in the house, only to be unable to "find" them 5 minutes later. I'm a greasy guy, so the glasses are sliding off my face all day long.
That is all history.
Got my LASIK done on last Friday. It was quick, almost too quick. It probably took Dr. Wong longer to explain all the steps of the surgery than to actually do it. Numb the eyes, cut the flaps, switch machines, shoot the laser for 30 seconds in each eye; all finished. I tested 20/20 right after the surgery and my eyes were pretty cloudy at that point. I hope I'm at least that and probably better when I re-test this Friday.
The Tiger Woods reference is because he is a pitchman for TLC, having had LASIK done years ago. The staff at TLC Laser Eye Center, Torrance were all great; very friendly and professional. I would recommend them to anyone. Yet, I'll be just as glad that I never have to see them again. We'll see what it does for my golf game...

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